About Gary

Gary L. Houck Jr., 29 years old, took his own life on June 17th, 2005. He was an amazing and unique young man. Gary lived life to its fullest and had that smile and sparkling personality that could draw people to him. He had a good work ethic, enjoyed the world of business, and found technology and marketing fascinating.

He was always doing something different and lived to play soccer and ice hockey. He also enjoyed driving race cars and other sports. He truly cared about others, and at times, was willing to give the shirt off his back… and he always loved young children!

Although he appeared to be happy, content, and productive most of the time… he was a “very troubled” and “ill” young man. Although we tried everything we knew to help him, only in having him live back home the last 8 months of his life, did we truly understand how much pain he endured. Yet to the end, in his own way, he tried to be very loving, thoughtful, and caring toward those that loved and cared for him. Even though he felt he tried his hardest, he just felt he had no hope for being totally healthy, finding success with a family, and with what he wanted out of life.

Whether you knew him as a young child, a teenager, a young man, or all of these; he has left us all with so many wonderful memories. Remember those great memories Gary has blessed you with, remember the happy Gary… that smile… that laugh… and in doing so, he will live inside of us, forever.

Kara, Patti, & Gary Sr.